First-Cut EXPERT Early Entry Blades - Expert First-Cut Blades - FIrst-Cut Early Entry Blades - Dry Blade - Diamond Blade - Products

First-Cut EXPERT Early Entry Blades

Very High Quality, Longer Life Cutting

First-Cut™ blades are part of the True Early Entry System for cutting control/relief joints in green concrete.

Sold individually or packaged with skid plate.

Green Concrete

TRUE EARLY ENTRY™ System Components:
• First-Cut™ are offered in two quality grades - Basic, Expert
• First-Cut™ saw with skid plate guard system
• Optimal Time of Cutting-Known as the Control Zone™ (2 hours after finishing and before final set)

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First-Cut EXPERT Early Entry Blades

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First-Cut™ Early Entry Blades are Used on First-Cut™ Saws and Competition-Style Saws.

Includes 1" arbor with drive-pin hole and triangle knock out.


1000 PURPLE - Very Hard Aggregate

2000 GREEN - Hard Aggregate

3000 RED - Medium Hard Aggregate

4000 ORANGE - Medium Aggregate

5000 YELLOW - Medium Soft Aggregate

6000 BLACK - Soft Aggregate

7000 BLUE - Very Soft Aggregate (12" x .080 x 1")



Additional Information

Catalog Number No
Part Number No
Size No
Includes drive wheel. No